Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thoughts from Part 1 of Stewards of Access/Custodians of Choice

The first quote that grabbed my attention was on page 7 from Tocquerville, It says, "He who has set his heart exclusively the pursuit of worldly welfare is always in a hurry..." The majority of people today I believe are in this category. People often go into a park and ask what can I see in three hours. That is just not enough time to take it in. We are so used to instant gratification, we have instant food to but in our microwaves.

The next quote that grabbed my attention is on page 8. "its difficult to become reaccustomed to seeing people already weighted down with possessions acting as if every objects they did not own were bread withheld from a hungry mouth" I have been guilty of this. I always want the bigger and better product even though last years product is good enough. I am a big gear head, when the next year's jacket comes out I often want it even though mine is in good shape. Often I feel that we are just entitled to these things.

The part about the tragedy of the commons really made me think. Everyone is going out in the wilderness to escape, but often we see the exact opposite. When I went to Yellowstone two years ago there was not a place you could go with out seeing another single person unless it was wilderness. There was often traffic jams and just lots of noise. In the summer time these places are super busy, like if you wanted to go to a place like Mount Timp. you would never be able to find any solitude.

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